How to Fix Failed Core Web Vitals Assessment

How to Fix Failed Core Web Vitals Assessment
Have you ever been unfamiliar with the warning in Google Search Console and wondered what Core Web Vitals mean and how to change your website's SEO? You are in the right place!

The content of this summary covers Important Web Information in full detail . We aim to provide a step-by-step applicable strategy for the solution and development of your website.

We promise that by the end of this guide, you'll have the knowledge to put your website on the right track and successfully pass the Core Web Vitals assessment!

Google is constantly setting new benchmarks for website quality , and Core Web Vitals are truly one of them. But fear not, by understanding these important aspects you will be able to maintain a competitive advantage, provide superior user experience, reserve higher rankings and drive more organic traffic to your site .

Are you ready to begin your journey to mastering Core Web Vitals ? Come on there!

drawing that explains what is LCP, FID, CLS that are all core web vitals concept

Understanding Important Web Data

As we embark on our journey to understanding, we begin by considering the Core Web Vitals system and their role in Google's search landscape.

What is Important Web Vitals?

Important Web Data is a set of fragmentation factors that Google considers important to the overall user experience distributed over a web. Simply put, Google can use this employee to understand how users experience the scope, responsiveness, and visual stability of a page.

This Web Vitals consists of the following three metrics:

Largest Content Paint (LCP): This reflects your page's loading actions. To provide a good user experience, LCP should occur within 2.5 seconds of the first page launch.

First Login Delay (FID): FID refers to the time from the moment a user first interacts with a page (by which we mean the time they click on a link, tap a button, or a special JavaScript-powered control company) until the moment the browser actually logs in. respond to this interaction. For a good user experience, the FID of pages should be less than 100 milliseconds.

Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This measures visual stability. To ensure a good user experience, pages should have a CLS value below 0.1.

Let's make it simpler: Imagine someone visiting your site for the first time. They want your site to be fast to write, responsive, and keep the communication going while keeping the overall lines clean all over the page, right? This is the essence of Core Web Vitals.

Why Is It Important to Transfer Important Web Data?

"What is Important Web Data?" If the answer to the question wasn't enough to convince you of their importance, let's explain why they are a game changer.

Excellent User Experience: Core Web Vitals are designed from a user-centered perspective. A low LCP ensures your audience isn't waiting forever for content to load, while a low FID ensures your site can respond quickly to actions, resulting in a smoother experience. Lastly, a low CLS means your page is visually stable, and users are less likely to accidentally click on the wrong thing.

Improved SEO: As Core Web Vitals were introduced by Google, they are part of Google's ranking algorithm. Websites that are optimized for these factors may rank higher on search engine result pages.

Increased Organic Traffic: Higher rankings typically result in a surge in organic traffic. If your site offers an overall better user experience, it could draw more visitors.

Check your ranking on Google SERP

Google's search engine result page illustration

How Does Google Measure Core Web Vitals

As for the third point, "How does Google measure Core Web Vitals?" they use Real User Metrics (RUMs). This is a data-based approach, driven by what actual users of your website experience.

Google collects data about how users interact with a web page and calculate its Core Web Vitals score. This differs from traditional ways of measuring performance, like using lab data or synthetic monitoring.

Let's break down how RUMs work:

Field Data: This is the real-world data collected from actual users interacting with your website. It helps Google understand how your page loads for each visitor and how they interact with your page.

Lab Data: This is the data collected within a controlled environment with predefined device and network settings. Though not as representative as field data, it is extremely helpful during the development process as it helps identify performance issues.

To summarize, understanding Core Web Vitals involves recognizing the metrics (LCP, FID, and CLS), understanding their importance, and knowing how Google measures them through RUMs.

Remember, Core Web Vitals are critical to your SEO strategy and your website performance. So, ensuring they are within the acceptable range should be one of your top priorities.

Importance of Core Web Vitals

In order to achieve success in today's competitive digital landscape, you need to ensure that your website delivers an excellent user experience. This is where Core Web Vitals come into play.

As we mentioned earlier, these factors form the basis of Google's search algorithms. But why are they so pivotal? To answer this, we'll delve into the importance these aspects hold for your website’s performance and the overall user experience.

Why Should You Care About Your Core Web Vitals Assessment?

Understanding the importance of passing Core Web Vitals assessment is like realizing the importance of a healthy lifestyle for longevity. Both have several things in common: They help improve performance, ensure a better experience, and ultimately lead to greater success.

Here are the key reasons why you should care about your Core Web Vitals scores:

Positive User Experience: Core Web Vitals are essentially user-centric metrics. They exist to help developers improve web usability. Better load times (LCP), interaction speeds (FID), and stable layouts (CLS) all contribute to a positive user experience.

Buy-In from Stakeholders: When you quantify the benefits of performance with concrete metrics like Core Web Vitals, it’s easier to persuade stakeholders to invest time, resources, and effort in performance optimization.

Profitability: Better user experience potentially leads to better engagement, more word-of-mouth referrals, improved Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO), and ultimately, an increase in revenue generation.

Do Core Web Vitals Affect Ranking?

In short, yes. Core Web Vitals have always had a substantial impact on how Google ranks your website.

Remember, Google's purpose is to deliver the most relevant content to its users quickly and effectively. When your website complies with Core Web Vitals, it sends a positive signal to Google’s algorithm, signaling that your website offers a good user experience, ultimately leading to better search rankings.

In the future, as Google continues to emphasize user experience, these factors are likely to become even more critical in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), increasing their influence on your site's ranking.

A screenshot from the looker studio which shows core web vitals scores

What is a Good Website Health Score?

A good website health score is determined by a multitude of factors, including your Core Web Vitals. Ideally, a healthy website would have an LCP of less than 2.5 seconds, an FID of less than 100 milliseconds, and a CLS score of less than 0.1.

Remember, these aren’t just numbers -- they are reflections of your users' experiences on your website. Swift page loads, quick responsiveness, and visual stability are pivotal aspects that define a good website health score.

Consequently, prioritizing these variables will not only result in a higher health score but also lead to an enhanced experience for your users, higher search rankings, and increased organic traffic.

To wrap up this section, Core Web Vitals are increasingly becoming non-negotiable aspects that impact not just how Google perceives your website, but also how your audience engages with it. Neglecting these elements can be as risky as disregarding a flashing check engine light on your vehicle's dashboard.

In the following sections, we'll dig deeper into what it means to have failed Core Web Vitals, possible reasons for Core Web Vitals Assessment failures, and how to redress them.

So, grab a cup of coffee and let's move on to our next chapter in mastering Core Web Vitals. After all, understanding the fundamentals of a problem is vital for finding its solutions.

Check the domain authority score of your website

Understanding Failed Core Web Vitals Assessments

As we proceed on this path of Core Web Vitals mastery, it's crucial to get a firm grasp on what failing these assessments means, why these failures occur, and what triggers them.

What Does Failed Core Web Vitals Assessment Mean?

Once you've begun tracking your Core Web Vitals, there might be instances where Google Search Console reports a failed Core Web Vitals Assessment. Sounds intimidating, doesn't it?

But no need to worry, this isn't the end of the world. In fact, it's part of your journey towards mastering Core Web Vitals!

In layman terms, a failed Core Web Vitals Assessment signifies that your website has one or more of the following issues:

Poor Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): This means your web page's main content is taking longer than 2.5 seconds to load.

High First Input Delay (FID): If your FID values exceed 100 milliseconds, it implies that your website is slow in responding to user inputs.

High Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): An unstable layout or elements on a page visibly shifting around results in a high CLS, creating a distressed user experience.

Basically, a failed assessment signifies your website isn't meeting the Google standards for a good user experience. This realization could even lead to feelings of disappointment, and it's totally valid.

What Causes Failed Core Web Vitals Assessments?

Now, let's drill down a notch further and dissect the causes leading to a failed Core Web Vitals Assessment.

Inefficient Image Formats or Sizes: Using outdated image formats like PNG or JPEG or using images that are not optimized for web can lead to bloated web pages and, subsequently, slow loading times.

Excessive Use of Web Fonts: Web fonts look stunning when used in moderation. However, an excessive use can weigh down your web page leading to longer LCPs.

Third-Party Scripts: Third-party scripts not only delay FID but can also cause unexpected layout changes, directly impacting your CLS.

Complex Animations: Whilst animations can enhance the visual appeal of your website, complex or poor performing animations can lead to a jumpy layout, affecting your FID and CLS.

Non-Responsive Design: Unless your website design responds appropriately to different device screen sizes, users may experience layout shifts, contributing to a poor CLS score.

Understanding these underlying causes of failed assessments lays the groundwork for troubleshooting them efficiently. Most often, addressing these root causes will help you enhance your Core Web Vitals scores dramatically.

Solutions to Core Web Vitals Assessment Failure

We've undertook an informative journey so far, gaining key insights about Core Web Vitals, understanding why they matter and going through what failing these assessments signifies. But fear not, all's not lost!

It's time to discuss the measures and solace we've been building up to— practical, step-by-step solutions to boost your Core Web Vitals score.

How to Pass Core Web Vitals Assessment?

Let's explore actionable solutions to improve each Core Web Vital. Take this as a chance to roll up your sleeves, dive into the technicalities and skyrocket your website performance.

1- Optimize Your Images

Start by analyzing and optimizing your large, unoptimized images which tend to drag your LCP score down. This can range from using modern, efficient image formats such as WebP, scaling images appropriately for mobile devices, to incorporating lazy loading to defer off-screen images.

2- Minimize Third-Party Scripts

Excessive third-party scripts not only take up valuable processing time, but can also lead to erratic layout shifts. Review and audit these scripts regularly, retaining only the necessary ones.

3- Reduce JavaScript Execution Time

Remember, an important part of FID is the time taken by your browser to respond to user inputs. If your browser is busy executing JavaScript, it may not respond promptly to user inputs, affecting your FID score. Minimize or defer JavaScript whenever possible.

4- Adopt CSS Containment

To control layout shifts and improve CLS, layout containment can be used. This confines the layout to the element’s contents, ensuring that they don’t affect layout calculations of the rest of the flow.

5- Ensure Mobile Responsiveness

With the vast majority of your traffic coming from mobile devices, a mobile-friendly website is nonnegotiable. Check for mobile usability issues and ensure your website is responsive to different device sizes.

6- Use a Content Delivery Network (CDN)

A CDN helps to enhance the speed and performance of your website. It saves a cache of your site to a vast network of servers distributed around the world. When a user accesses your site, they are routed to the closest available server ensuring the fastest delivery of content.

7- Preload Key Assets

Look for critical requests that may be blocking the first paint of your page. Consider preloading these assets to ensure they are available as soon as they are required.

8- Server-side Rendering

For pages serving JavaScript-driven content, consider server-side rendering. This rendering method can ensure that the user gets a fully rendered page, improving your LCP time.

Now, let's provide some additional guidelines tailored explicitly for WordPress users.

Bonus Tips for Fixing Core Web Vitals Assessment Failures on WordPress:

In addition to the broad guidelines provided above, WordPress users can implement these extra strategies for enhancing their Core Web Vitals scores:

Use a Performance-enhancing Plugin: Look at using plugins like WP Rocket or W3 Total Cache that provide extensive site optimization features, including caching, preloading resources, and deferring off-screen images.

Opt for a High-speed Theme: Consider using a fast, well-optimized theme for your website. Some themes are bloated with unnecessary features that can slow your site down, hence pick a theme that's lightweight and well-coded.

Be Mindful of Your Plugins: Make sure to use the minimal number of plugins needed for your site operations. Every plugin you add generally loads its own JavaScript and CSS file, possibly affecting your LCP and FID scores.

Leverage a Dedicated Hosting Provider: A quality web host plays a crucial role in your website's load times. Opt for a reputable hosting provider who can provide superior speeds and uptime.

As we put a full stop to the solutions and bonus tips, let's remember that optimizing for Core Web Vitals isn't a one-time task. It requires consistency, trial and error, and determination to find the right mix of techniques that work well with your website’s unique environment.

Fixing Core Web Vitals Assessment Failures in Depth

Donning your SEO superhero cape? It's time to delve deeper into the world of Core Web Vitals, diagnosing and rectifying performance issues that impact your LCP, FID, and CLS scores. Let's examine these elements closely and get our hands dirty while fixing these Core Web Vitals Assessment failures.

Improving Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Largest Contentful Paint, or LCP, is a Core Web Vital responsible for measuring page load speed. More precisely, it assesses how long the largest contentful item (like an image or text block) takes to render on-screen. When we talk about increasing load speed to improve LCP, here's what you should consider:

Optimize and Compress Your Images: Large, high-resolution images could be a heavy load for your site to bear, slowing down page loading times. Opt for formats like JPEG 2000 or WebP, which offer superior compression and quality characteristics compared to their traditional JPEG and PNG counterparts.

Implement Lazy Loading: Lazy loading ensures off-screen images are not loaded until the user scrolls down to them, lightening the initial load on your site.

Streamline Your CSS: If your CSS is causing crucial site elements to load slowly, optimizing it can help. Minifying CSS, removing unnecessary or redundant code, and using CSS delivery tools to inline critical CSS while deferring the loading of CSS not used for above-the-fold content can help speed up your LCP.

Largest Contentful Paint

Reducing First Input Delay (FID)

First Input Delay is all about interactivity and responsiveness. It calculates the time taken for your page to start processing user interactions—like clicks on navigational links, buttons, or any JavaScript-controlled elements. Let's uncover how to reduce our FID:

Minimize JavaScript: By using just the minimum JavaScript needed and deferring unused JS, you allow the user to interact with your page more quickly, reducing FID.

Use a Web Worker: A Web Worker is a simple method to make JavaScript off-main-thread, ensuring that user interactions can be quickly responded to even if a large chunk of JavaScript is being processed.

Breakup Long Tasks: Long tasks are JavaScript tasks that monopolize the main thread for extended periods, preventing the browser from responding to user input. Refactor your codes into smaller, asynchronous tasks to trim down FID.

First Input Delay

Minimizing Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)

Last but certainly not least, Cumulative Layout Shift refers to the sum total of all unexpected layout shift scores that occur during the entire lifespan of the page. Essentially, it measures visual stability—too much shifting around creates a less-than-optimal user experience. So, how do we minimize CLS?

Reserve Space for Media: Set the width and height dimensions on images, videos, and other media elements. This signals to the browser how much space a media element will occupy, minimizing layout shifts.

Avoid Inserting Content Above Existing Content: Except for responses to user interactions, don't insert new content above existing content on the page, as it can cause existing elements to shift down.

Keep CSS Animations to Transform Properties: Animations that involve a change of scale, position, rotation and other elements can cause layout shifts. Stick to transform animations to maintain stability.

And there you have it, a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of each Core Web Vitals and actionable solutions to kick those failed assessments to the curb! Remember, enhancing your LCP, FID, and CLS scores isn't a linear journey—it's iterative and requires you to tweak, modify, and re-test your website.

However, the process helps you uncover hidden performance gaps, improve overall user experience, and steer your website towards better rankings.

In the upcoming sections, we'll gear up and talk about maintenance practices, advanced tips for Core Web Vitals, and powerful tools that can simplify your Core Web Vitals journey.

Cumulative Layout Shift

Regular Reports and Maintenance of Core Web Vitals

As we continue to navigate through the fascinating landscape of Core Web Vitals, let's crisp our focus towards a key aspect that often flies under the radar—running regular reports & maintenance.

Like a well-oiled machine, a website requires regular checks to keep it running smoothly. A vital part of these checks comes down to Core Web Vitals. We’ve learned what these vitals are, understood their importance, dug deep into what causes them to falter, and shimmered some light on how to boost these scores.

Now, let's take this a notch further and champion the art of regular reports and maintenance of Core Web Vitals.

Core Web Vitals Concept Definition and Ranking system table

Set Up a Web Performance Budget

Setting up a web performance budget is a pro-active way to ensure that your site's performance doesn't slip over time. Simply put, a performance budget is a set of limits imposed on metrics that affect site performance. This could draw its boundaries around page weight, load times, or even specific metrics like LCP, FID, and CLS.

Restricting certain performance metrics ensures your site remains within the defined parameters, helping you meet your performance goals. Here's how you can set up a performance budget:

Identify the metrics that matter most: The metrics you choose to include in your performance budget will depend on your audience, website goal, and type of site. For instance, if you're running an online store, your focus might be on metrics that impact conversion rates.

Set a baseline: Your current performance scores can serve as a basis for setting your performance budget. Consider using field data from Google's PageSpeed Insights or Chrome User Experience Report (CrUX) for realistic, user-centric metrics.

Define your thresholds: Determine the maximum acceptable values for each metric. For instance, you might set a limit of 2.5 seconds for LCP as per Google's good performance threshold.

Track & enforce the budget: Regular monitoring is vital to ensure you're staying within your budget. Tools like Lighthouse CI can help enforce your budget by triggering alarms when your thresholds are breached.

Iterate and adjust your budget over time: As your site grows and evolves, your performance budget should be revisited and revised to ensure it remains relevant and useful.

Advanced Tips for Core Web Vitals

Our journey into understanding and optimizing Core Web Vitals is a detailed and enriching one. However, it doesn't stop at merely identifying what these values signify and how they can be improved.

Oh no, no! We are champions in the making and champions don't stop at the basics. They delve deeper, look for advanced tactics, and carve their path to success with finesse and determination.

So, gear up my budding SEO experts, it's time we take our knowledge a notch higher and ski through some advanced tips for mastering Core Web Vitals.

Optimizing Resource Loading with Priority Hints (Improve LCP)

The web is a bustling marketplace of information, which means every second matter. The faster your most significant content loads, the happier the user. Here's where Priority Hints come into play.

Priority Hints is a new browser feature which allows you to provide 'hints' to the browser about the import priority of a resource. Simply put, it lets your browser know which resources to load first, letting you have a better handle on improving your LCP.

Here's a simple way to use priority hints:

  • <img src="header-image.jpg" importance="high" alt="...">

In the code above, the importance attribute could be high, low, or auto with auto being the default value.

Remember, while Priority Hints is still an experimental feature, it offers a promising solution to help you control resource loading priorities to achieve a better LCP.

Set Width And Heights On Images And IFrames (Improve CLS)

We've discussed how Cumulative Layout Shift affects the visual stability of the webpage. This means, an unstable site can ruin the user experience, increasing bounce rates. However, by setting fixed width and heights on images and iframes, you can reduce layout shift instances, immensely improving your CLS score.

This is a simple yet efficient way to ensure a visually stable website:

  • <img src="product.jpg" width="500" height="600" alt="...">
  • <iframe src="video.html" width="900" height="800"></iframe>

In the code snippet above, by defining the width and height attributes, we are informing the browser about the space needed for the image and iframe even before they fully load. As a result, the browser can allocate the necessary space and avoid any unexpected layout shifts.

Reduce JavaScript and Plugin Usage (Improve FID)

JavaScript is like a double-edged sword. While it's instrumental in creating interactive websites, excess usage can lead to high FID. So, if you're eyeing improved Core Web Vitals, it's advisable to keep an eye on JavaScript and plugins.

Here are a few advanced tips to optimize JavaScript:

Load JavaScript Defensively: Load only what you require. Reduce the amount of JavaScript the browser has to compile and parse by employing code-splitting techniques like dynamic imports.

Remove Unused Code: Routinely audit your JavaScript files to remove unnecessary code, comments, and whitespace to reduce file size.

Use Asynchronous Loading: JavaScript is parsed during HTML parsing. Use async or defer attribute to defer the parsing of JavaScript till HTML parsing is complete.

  • <script async src="script.js"></script>
  • <script defer src="script.js"></script>

In the code above, async instructs the browser to continue building the DOM while the script is being downloaded and then pause the DOM building to execute the script. defer means the browser should continue building the DOM without pausing for the script. The script is executed only after the DOM is fully built.

  • Minimize Plugin Use: Each plugin you add to your website introduces its own JavaScript and CSS, which might affect your FID. Try to limit plugin use and evaluate whether a plugin is absolutely necessary before adding it to your website.

By being mindful of JavaScript and plugins, you can effectively lower FID and aid in boosting your Search Engine Ranking Position (SERP).

And voila! With these advanced tips i.e. optimizing resource loading with Priority Hints, setting fixed width and heights on images and iframes, and reducing JavaScript and plugin usage, you're well on track to take your Core Web Vitals to another level.

Remember, SEO is not just about keyword-rich content or high-quality backlinks; it's also about providing a captivating, interactive, and fast-loading website that makes the user want to stay and explore - and this is where mastering Core Web Vitals comes into play.


So here we are, standing on the brink of mastering Core Web Vitals. You've successfully journeyed through the enchanting yet complex seascape of Core Web Vitals, garnering valuable insights, actionable strategies, and advanced tips to hone your SEO skills and deftly improve your website’s user experience.

As we bring this exciting adventure to a close, let’s compile all that we’ve learned into effective game plans and provide some trusted tools that can pave your way towards Web Vital achievements.

Your Core Web Vitals Roadmap

Mastering Core Web Vitals does not happen overnight. It requires patience, dedication, knowledge, and a deep understanding of your website's environment. However, these efforts unlock bountiful rewards, including superior user experience, higher organic traffic, and improved search rankings.

To get there, adapt this summarized roadmap which we've formed throughout our journey:

Understanding Core Web Vitals: Knowing the three key metrics, namely, Largest Contentful Paint (LCP), First Input Delay (FID), and Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS), forms the foundation to mastering Core Web Vitals.

Identifying the Impact: Gauge the gravity of Core Web Vitals on your website's performance, SEO rankings, and user experience.

Unearthing Issues: Use the tools at hand to diagnose issues that lead to failed Core Web Vitals Assessment. Embrace these issues as learning curves rather than failures.

Addressing Problem Areas: Apply the solutions discussed to improve LCP, FID, and CLS scores. Optimize images, minimize JavaScript, adapt CSS containment, to name a few.

Employ Advanced Techniques: Take a leap further by incorporating advanced strategies, like setting up a performance budget, conducting regular reports, and implementing resource loading with Priority Hints.

Handling your Important Web Data is an ongoing process that requires regular review and maintenance. Additionally, since each website is unique, the content of the recommendations may vary. Experiment responsibly, document your findings, learn from them, and remember the mantra: test, improve, iterate!

There you have it: a simplified guide, a roadmap, a toolkit, with every piece of information aggregated and distilled to its essence, ready to serve you on your journey of discovery to jump-start your Essential Web Data expertise.

With each step you take on this journey, you become increasingly equipped to overcome the challenges that come your way. Remember, knowledge is power; Use the power you've gained to make the web a better place.

In conclusion, mastering Core Web Vitals is like climbing a mountain. It's daunting, challenging at times, but once you get to the top, oh boy, the view is worth it! You will feel content, you will feel invincible, and most importantly, you will be ready to take on the next mountain.

So, keep your head up, embrace what you've learned, and keep your Core Web Vitals on track. Conquer the search listings, sweep your users off their feet with a complete user experience, and stand your SEO mountain relationships triumphant, successful, and far away!

Are these trips easy? No. But was it worth it? Definitely. So say goodbye to fear and hello to the exciting changes of improved performance, better search rankings, and extremely happy users.

In the immersive world of SEO, learning never stops. Let's toast to your newfound knowledge of the subject, your tireless effort, and your unwavering determination to master Core Web Vitals. Onward and upward! See you at the summit!

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